When looking for a painter in Geelong, Highton, Newtown and surrounding suburbs (painters geelong), you need to do a thorough background check on your tradesman before you go forward with the job.
AAA Geelong Painting not only has the credentials, the experience and the friendly service, but we are more than happy to answer any questions you have regarding all of the above. Please don’t hesitate to call us for free advice or a quote today.
AAA Painting has been a local Geelong business for the last 20 years (painters geelong), with extensive experience in both commercial and domestic painting and decorating work around the Greater City of Geelong.
Peter and his team has been painting Geelong and it’s surrounding suburbs for 20 years. With a proud history of work around Geelong, Peter makes it his aim to help his clients find the best painting solution for their home or property.
With a wealth of experience including domestic and commercial work, Peter is happy to help his clients choose the right colour, the right paint and at the right price.
Peter has a team of skilled painters to assist him in painting your home or property in Geelong. Feel free to ask about his team and their experience.